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The mission of Siuslaw Education Foundation is to raise funds to enhance academic achievement and expand learning opportunities for every student in Siuslaw and Mapleton School Districts.

The Siuslaw Education Foundation (SEF) is a non-profit public benefit corporation that will obtain corporate and foundation grants, donations, and bequests, to achieve its mission.  The school boards of both districts unanimously voted to partner with the SEF and School District Superintendents are board members. The school districts determine their needs and the SEF works to obtain funding to meet those needs.


SEF is governed by an ten-member board of directors who are volunteers and receive no compensation from the corporation.  SEF has 501(c)3 status, so all donations are tax-exempt. 


We are fortunate to live in communities with many generous individuals and organizations who help support a variety of school activities and projects. SEF sees these as allies in our quest for better schools and plans to partner with them in their efforts. Since the 1980’s when Oregon passed its property tax limitation measures and millions of timber dollars that once went to schools disappeared as our timber industry declined, public schools have faced increasing challenges as state funds failed to keep up with educational costs.


Education Foundations, like SEF, arose across the country in order to help school districts close the gap between state allocations and the true costs of education.  Thirty-six Oregon education foundations are listed on the registry of the National Association of Education Foundations. They represent nearly all districts along the I-5 corridor and scattered districts in smaller communities. It is time for Siuslaw and Mapleton schools to get the vital help an education foundation can provide.


Our Mission


FLORENCE ROTARY awarded the Siuslaw Education Foundation $400 for a portion of its 501(c)3 application fee.

WESTERN LANE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION awarded SEF a grant of $1000. A portion of this was used to host a kick-off event. Nearly 100 people attended "Wish Me a Rainbow" on March 4, 2016. Guests enjoyed tea, coffee, punch, refreshments, face-painting, and a 3D printer demonstration. They also listened to vocal performances from Nyah Vollmer and Patrick Rowley and a video produced by the student video team known as Nerd Squad. 

FLORENCE AREA COMMUNITY COALITION agreed to serve as a sponsor to Siuslaw Education Foundation until it established its own tax-exempt status, which happened April, 2017. THANK YOU FACC!

MAPLETON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION awareded SEF $500 to support Mapleton School District's AVID program field trips during the 2017-18 school year.


Welcome to new Board Member John Raymonda! See Board of Directors page for more information! 


Oregon Pacific Bank holds "Denim Day" each Friday. Employees can wear jeans, but they pay a fee to do so. SEF is the lucky recipient of last week's "Denim Day" fines, totalling $170. 


     Siuslaw Education Foundation


Siuslaw Education Foundation 

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